Enterprise Java

Skip the noise that can come with developing apps, and instead focus on building apps.

Learn how to move your existing Java app to Kubernetes—without changing a single line of code

Calling all developers!

Using the Free #Developer​ #Sandbox​ for #RedHat​ #OpenShift​, we will demo how you can take your existing source code or create a new application, easily deploy and manage them as containers, edit the code from our integrated developer experience, and much more.

What is enterprise Java programming?

Enterprise Java is the use of Java for application development in enterprise-scale software, and merges a collection of APIs and application servers that implement those APIs. Enterprise Java also includes related technologies, such as the Spring Framework.

Enterprise Java Beans (EJB), Java Message Service (JMS), Java Persistence API (JPA), Java Transaction API (JTA), and Java Server Faces (JSF) make up the collection of modular tools that enable enterprise needs, such as distributed computing utilizing containers, web services, and high performance applications.

Enterprises use Java today to build applications utilizing microservices rather than taking a monolithic approach. Enterprise Java is used across government, telecom, banking information systems, accounting, and e-commerce.

DevNation: The Show, episode "DevOps All The Things"

Free e-books

Microservices for Java Developers

The microservice architectural approach lets you build complex systems to adapt to rapidly changing competitive markets. Now in its second edition, this step-by-step guide introduces concepts such as immutable delivery, and gets you started building distributed systems for managing microservices using Linux containers, Kubernetes, and three different Java frameworks: Spring Boot, Dropwizard, and WildFly Swarm (WildFly Swarm was renamed Thorntail in 2018).

This book explains how to:

  • Expose a service.
  • Configure at runtime.
  • Expose metrics and insight.
  • Call downstream services in a safe manner.

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Microservices for Java Developers

Building Reactive Microservices in Java

Eclipse Vert.x is a toolkit that helps developers build reactive applications to run within the Java Virtual Machine. Whether you want to get rid of your monolithic enterprise applications, or avoid creating new ones, Eclipse Vert.x is worth investigating. Learn how to use reactive design to create distributed, reactive microservices within this framework.

This book explains how to:

  • Explore the elements of reactive microservices and learn how Vert.x works.
  • Build and consume a single microservice to understand how messaging improves its reactiveness.
  • Create an entire microservices system, using stability and resilience patterns to manage failures.
  • Use the OpenShift container platform to deploy and manage microservices in a virtual or cloud environment.

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Building Reactive Microservices in Java_Cover Image

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A cloud-native, container-first stack for creating Java applications tailored for GraalVM + HotSpot, crafted from Java libraries and standards.